Monday, December 9, 2013

Computer Update

   Hey Everyone! Just letting you all know that I am still in the same boat as I've been for the last couple weeks. I have access to a computer, but not my own, so I have limited access. My computer will be sent back to the company (again) tomorrow, and hopefully will be back in working order the next time they send it back to me.
  On the plus side, I was able to get Kindred published this weekend using my mom's computer, and it is available for purchase at, just follow any of the links on my previous posts! Just in time for Christmas, the first two books of the Earthshaker Series, check them out! And as always, please let me know what you think!
   I would love to hear some feedback, even if it is simply on the sample chapters or (from any who have read book one) any comments on the characters and story line (as long as it doesn't give away key information to those who haven't read it yet) please feel free to share! Either review it on amazon or comment either here or at my Facebook page: Thanks!

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